Like all organisms sometimes our little green friends also need a push in the right direction and healing stones can provide them with just that.
Humans are not the only organisms that can enjoy the benefits of healing crystals. If you’re experiencing slow growth or your plants are quickly wilting than a great way to get back your gardens former glory is by using the extraordinary powers of crystals.
They aren’t known as healing crystals for no reason. They can help all forms of life, whether it is by enhancing current abilities or by healing previous ailments, these crystals can be used on any living organism.
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Main attributes of Moonstone
- Color: multi-colored
- Origin: India, Sri Lanka
- Enhances intuition
The first one on our list is the moonstone. Moonstone is a white and very powerful crystal. it is known for deriving it's energy from the moon, thus the name. The moon is a natural source of pure energy, any living organism that has been infused with such pure energy will surely thrive. Plants are no different than humans when it comes to their internal or natural vibrations.
These plants also get blockages in their energy systems which need to be removed. Luckily moonstone can do exactly that, the natural frequency at which moonstone vibrates will streamline the internal energies of the plant.
A stone like this will help these plants regenerate lost cells faster and will give them the strength to plant deep roots for better support. Hence, moonstone is one of the best stones for gardening.
Our tip for using moonstone:
Since moonstone is the stone of new beginnings, use it when you need the courage to start a new chapter of your life.

Main attributes of Green calcite
- Color: green
- Origin: Iceland
- Enhances imagination
Green calcite is often associated with the detoxification of the human body, but it is also very effective for detoxifying plants. If your plants are looking weak and you think that these plants are lacking energy then try out green calcite.
The natural vibrations of these crystals restore the energy of these plants and provide them with the nourishment they need. This is one of the best crystals for an energy boost that you will encounter and therefore it deserves a spot on the top ten crystals for plant growth.
Our tip for using green calcite:
Place the plants and crystals near each other. Specifically, place it near the plants that are wilting or seem to be low on energy to infuse them with the energy they need. It's one of the best stones for gardening.

Main attributes of Malachite (stone of power)
- Color: green
- Origin: Russia, Mexico, US
- It gives you power and determination
Malachite is a green stone that is used to deflect electromagnetic forces that affect all types of organisms. Plants are greatly affected by these harmful radiations, these can interfere with the natural vibration of the plant and disturb their internal state.
This means that the plant will experience slow growth and quick wilting because of its slow metabolism.
This stone can act as a barrier that stops such harmful radiation from ever affecting living organisms. So, be sure to use this stone for gardens, if you're looking for healing stones for gardening.
our tip for using malachite:
place it on top of the soil, not in it.

Main attributes of clear quartz
- Color: transparent
- Origin: US, Russia
- Strengthens the spirit and the mind
Quartz is a very powerful gem, it is used for numerous reasons. With the help of quartz, you can face life with a positive attitude and be grateful for the things you have, not resentful for the things you don't. Quartz is also very helpful for plants, it's resonating frequency promotes fertility and healthy growth of the plants.
If placed in soil, it can help make the soil more fertile therefore affecting all plants planted in the soil. If you're in the market for succulents and crystals for plants than be sure to add clear quartz to your collection. It's one of the best stones for gardening
Our tip for using clear quartz:
Plant it underneath the soil, near the roots of the plants to promote its growth. Be sure to place the plants and crystals near each other, if it's too far away or buried too deep then its effects will be reduced.

Main attributes of Moss agate
- Color: green
- Origin: US
- It can balance your internal chakras
It's a great stone to add to your garden, not only does it look great but it also has a ton of features that are super beneficial for the plants. It promotes the connection between your plant and you, it creates a connection between your energies.
If you meditate or use healing crystals to balance your internal energies than you can actually use your internal energy to cast out any bad energy in your plant. Similarly, you can use the positive energy of the harmonized plants to cleanse your inner self. It's a great crystal garden herb.
Our tip for using moss agate:
you can use moss agate to connect to the natural energies of the world all you have to do is make a necklace of the stone and tie it around your ankle. Now even walking can be an enlightening experience.

main attributes of Cerussite
- Color: silver
- Origin: world-wide
- Removes internal chakra problems
Cerussite is an essential stone for plants, it has been proven to do wonders on plants. Planting it in the garden or near a plant that you wish to enhance the abilities of will reveal the true potential of this amazing stone.
A stone of this nature will not only ward of potential threats to the internal energy of the plant, but it will also do a great job to defend the plant against any pest that may harm it.
It is surely one of the best stones for gardening. So, if you were wondering how to help plants grow than check out cerussite.
Our tip for using cerussite:
Make a cerussite elixir and spray it around or on the plants, this will help them uptake more water and will also help them against pests and diseases

Main attributes of Angelite
- Color: blue
- Origin: Peru
- Can connect you to your angel
It's an amazing stone for gardening that helps promote feelings of resilience. With the help of this stone, the plants can easily withstand the pressures of the environment. It is also known for promoting water flow and water balance in the body.
This feature is very helpful for your plants. If you feel that your plants are still dehydrated after having enough access to water then be sure to use Angelite. It is one of the best crystals for plants.
Our tip for using Angelite:
Be sure to incorporate it in a way in which it can spread its effects to the maximum number of plants. Place the crystals and plants near each other. But be very careful around water as Angelite can easily turn into gypsum if it touches the water

Main attributes of Tigers eye
- Color: orange
- Origin: South Africa
- Gives you strength and courage
Tigers eye is a great gem that defends your plants and any living organism form the attack of any foreign and negative force. It stops the radiation from ever reaching you or your plants.
It gives plants the strength and support they need to grow. It strong aura stops anything from disturbing the natural energies of the plant. It's a must-have for any stone and crystal healer. It's among the best crystals for gardening.
Our tip for using yellow tiger stone:
Be sure to keep it near the plants and above the ground at all times, such a strong gem shouldn't be kept in the ground.
It must be kept on top of the ground so that it may protect against any kind of threat. It's one of the greatest crystals for plants.

Main attributes of Fairy stone
- Color: brown
- Origin: US
- Helps stabilize your inner self
Fairy stone is a rare stone but is one that has many uses. The best one being its ability to create a communicational link with other organisms. If you want to ask the plants a question then use fairy stone to create a link with it, once the link has been established than ask the fairy stone a question that you would like the plant to answer.
It must be noted that the answer can take several forms such as words or emotions. so if after talking to your crystal you feel bad then your plant is sick and it needs healing.
This is nothing to worry about as you can use the crystals we used in the above list to heal your plant. It also promotes growth. This makes it a great option for stones for houses that link crystals and plants.
Our tip for using fairy stone:
Use this to assess the situation your plants are facing, fairy stone can be a strong indicator of any problems that your plants are facing.
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