Is Selenite Toxic? Short Answer..Maybe [Full information]

If you’ve been working with crystals than you know that they are a great way to incorporate beneficial personality traits into your life.

Other than that healing crystals can also be used to treat any physical ailments. For every ailment and personality trait there are dozens of crystals that can help you out. But, there some times when come crystals can turn out of be Toxic and not having knowledge can actually hurt you in bad ways

Is Selenite Really Toxic?

Selenite toxic

There have been some studies done on this topic and many of them point to sodium selenite being toxic but what about normal raw Selenite? is that toxic too?

 According to wikipedia Selenite as a mineral is not really toxic but can only be toxic in concentrated conditions.  

Things that may make Selenite look toxic:

Selenite in water

Sometimes, when Selenite is in water tiny shards may break off and in come cases it might even dissolve but that fact makes some people believe it is toxic and not safe to cleanse.

Selenite Safe for Animals

Is Selenite toxic to dogs or cats?

Selenite for cats and dogs

If you are not using sodium selenite  and are only using Selenite as a mineral then it is 100% safe for cats and dogs. Your pets are completely safe around this so no need to worry about it.


So in reality, only sodium selenite is toxic but selenite in its mineral form is not toxic at all and is safe to be used at home.

  • Hi, Alex here I'm a spiritual teacher, therapist and an author. I specialize in the art of Crystal healing and have a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing.

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