The Taurus star sign has the zodiac symbol of a bull. People who are born between April 19 and May 20 are born under the sign of the Taurus. This zodiac sign is closely linked to the element of Earth and is ruled by the planet of Venus.
Tauruses are linked to the colors green and pink, and the days Friday and Monday. The numbers associated with this star sign are 2, 6, 9, 12, and 24. This sign is the first zodiac that was established by the Mesopotamian people sometime between 4,000 BC and 1,700 BC.
Emerald is associated with the heart chakra and the planet of Venus. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Gemini and Aries people too. Emerald is associated with the element of water and has a Mohs hardness level of 8.
Emerald is a form of Beryl crystal that forms into prismatic crystals. The original name for the crystal was Smaragdus, translating to green stone. It is commonly found in Columbia, Brazil, Russia, Africa, Australia, and Egypt.
Emerald is believed to help energy flow freely through us, empowering and opening our heart chakras. It is associated with the emotions of love, compassion, healing, and sensuality. It can harness the power of your true emotions and project them into the physical world.
It can assist with self-care and improving your relationship with yourself.
Other associations of this crystal involve strength, opportunities, intuition, meditation, physical healing, purification, relaxation, stress relief, abundance, a sense of purpose, mental enhancement, compassion, and the unification of your heart and will.
Back in 1242, many people believed that snakes could not look at emeralds without becoming blind.
Kunzite is associated with the heart chakra and the planets of Venus and Pluto. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Leo and Scorpio people too. Kunzite is associated with the element of water and has a Mohs hardness level of 6.5 – 7.
Kunzite is a pink version of Spodumene which is a lithium aluminium silicate. It is commonly found near feldspar, muscovite, lepidolite, and quartz. This crystal is commonly found in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but has also been seen in the USA, Madagascar, and Brazil.
Kunzite opens the heart chakra and sucks love in, like a vacuum. It is believed to help you become kinder, more gentle, and believe in your self-worth more strongly.
This crystal is believed to release positivity from inside yourself. Kunzite can also release stress and negative emotions that can weigh you down in daily life.
It can reconnect the mind-emotion connection and eradicate any blockages between them. It helps you to relearn how to look within your heart for the answers and trust your own judgment.
It is also associated with creativity, intuition, clarity, meditation, enlightenment, self-healing, and a connection to nature.
Cherry Tanzurine
Cherry Tanzurine is linked to all 7 chakras – crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.
The planetary associations are Earth and Jupiter, and these crystals are linked to the elements of fire and earth. It is associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Aries. This has a Mohs hardness rating of 1.
This crystal is a combination of quartz and lepidolite found in Tanzania. It often crystallizes into huge formations and gets the color from the large quantity of lepidolite inside. This crystal was discovered on the Maasai Tribal land in north Tanzania by a man called Jonathan Bartky.
The combination of quartz and lepidolite inclusions makes this a very powerful crystal. It can bring balance, happiness, resolution, enlightenment, and self-love.
The high quantity of lithium makes it a great crystal to place on your third eye and crown chakras during meditation. Lithium is commonly used in anti-depressants and this crystal can have hugely mood-enhancing effects.
The crystal can also help you to achieve restful sleep. It does this by healing and rejuvenating your auric fields and energy systems.
Chrysocolla is associated with the throat, heart, and root chakras, and the planet of Mercury. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Gemini and Virgo people too. Chrysocolla is associated with the element of water and has a Mohs hardness level of between 2 and 4.
Chrysocolla is a hydrous copper silicate often found near Azurite and Malachite deposits. It is commonly found in Chile, Congo, Russia, and the USA. It was first mentioned in 315 BC by Theophrastus but was not mentioned again until 1808 by a man called A.J.M. Brochant.
Chrysocolla helps you to become more empowered, opens communication, and calms the body and spirit. This is a really great crystal for people overwhelmed by stress as it reduces panic.
It can also help you to keep a clear head when making important decisions. It is often worn as a necklace to allow it to activate the throat chakra better.
Other associations of this crystal include joy, balance, meditation, truth, inner visions, self-expression, mastering fear, expanding awareness, and peace of mind.
Iolite is associated with the third eye chakra and the planet of Saturn. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Libra and Sagittarius people too. Iolite is associated with the element of air and has a Mohs hardness level of 7.
Iolite is also known as Cordierite, Dichroite, and Water Sapphire. It is commonly found in Madagascar, Burma, India, and Brazil. It is sometimes referred to as the violet stone and was first mentioned in 1807 by A.G. Werner.
Iolite is believed to help the owner travel on a journey to discover their inner self. It activates and clears the third eye. This allows for better awareness of and communication with higher vibrations. For this reason, it is commonly used during meditation for this and its healing properties.
It can help to heal old wounds and strengthen the third eye-heart connection. It can help to dispel fear and activate psychic abilities. It is also believed to help overcome addiction, detoxification of the liver, and the eradication of harmful bacteria. It is also known to alleviate headaches, migraines, and fevers.
Moldavite is associated with the crown, third eye, and heart chakras. It is associated with the planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It is linked to all 12 zodiac signs. Moldavite is associated with the elements of earth and storm and has a Mohs hardness level of 6 to 7.
Moldavite is also known as a stone of transformation. Legend has it that the stone was created when a meteorite crashed into the Earth around 14.8 million years ago.
The impact of this was believed to be 6 trillion megatons, forcing the meteorite completely through the crust of the planet and into the core. It is found in the Bohemian Plateau of the Czech Republic primarily.
Moldavite is a powerful crystal with a lot of energy, some people say it even feels warm as a result. This is known as the Moldavite flush. This flush is said to send powerful vibrations through the body, giving you a tingling sensation.
Some users even say it makes them lightheaded. It is also linked to psychic abilities, dreams, intuition, and transformation.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra and the planet of Venus. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Libra and Scorpio people too. Rose quartz is associated with the element of water and has a Mohs hardness level of 7.
Rose quartz is a common variation of quartz and is often found in South Dakota, Madagascar, and Brazil. It is often found in granite pegmatites. The color of rose quartz can range from pale pink to a deep pink.
Rose quartz is a crystal of pure love. It can be used to open your heart to the most pure and loving potential, concerning the self and others. This also allows you to feel deeply content and fulfilled. It can also be used to link your spirit to that of the Earth, Universe, and the Divine.
The energy of this crystal is divinely feminine and encourages compassion, tenderness, nourishment, and healing.
It promotes the release of stress and anxiety, cleansing emotions and healing any wounds in your heart. It provides a rebirth of faith and hope, helping you to heal from trauma and physical diseases of the heart.
Dragi Jade
Dragi Jade is also known as Dragon Jade. It is associated with the heart chakra and the planet of Earth. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Gemini, Libra, and Aries people too. Dragi Jade is associated with the element of earth and has a Mohs hardness level of 6 to 6.5.
Dragi Jade is a form of Nephrite, discovered in 2019 in Afghanistan. As this crystal is so new, it can be sold under a multitude of different names.
Dragi Jade has a similar energy to other iterations of Jade. It is strongly protective, as both Jade and dragons have been seen as protective totems for centuries.
It is a very wise idea to meditate with this crystal, imagining a dragon protecting your aura and energy. Jade is known to transform negative energy into loving vibrations.
This stone is not as understood as some of the others. It has been noted that the crystal has incredibly strong vibrations, suggesting a much deeper power than we are currently aware of. It is linked to discovering your sense of purpose, creating your own reality, and enlightenment.
Rhodonite is associated with the heart and root chakras, and the planet of Mars. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Leo and Sagittarius people too. Rhodonite is associated with the elements of fire and earth. It has a Mohs hardness level of 6 to 7.
Rhodonite is a form of manganese metasilicate mineral, first discovered in 1819 by C.F. Jasche. It was first seen in the Ural Mountains of Russia but has also been found in Mexico, India, Sweden, Brazil, Madagascar, and the USA.
Rhodonite has been named the stone of love as it can clear, reactivate, and stimulate your heart. It is particularly effective for self-love and improving your sense of personal value. It is also a great crystal to improve your sense of empathy.
It is also very useful in the suppression of anxiety, strengthening your heart. It is highly recommended for people suffering from depression, lack of confidence, or anxiety.
It is also very useful to enhance psychic abilities through deep meditation sessions or in dreams. It can help to provide clarity and show you the right path to take.
Carnelian is associated with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. It is associated with the planets of Mars and the Sun. Alongside the Taurus zodiac, it is linked to Cancer, Leo, and Virgo people too. Carnelian is associated with the element of fire and has a Mohs hardness level of 7.
Carnelian is an orange-red variety of Chalcedony and is part of the Quartz family. The name comes from the Latin Corneolus meaning a type of cherry. It has been around for centuries and is mentioned in a number of different cultures. It is commonly found in Uruguay, Madagascar, India, and Brazil.
Carnelian is strongly linked to sexual energies. It can help you withhold your sexual energy and transmute it to benefit yourself. It can help you to harness and channel your sexual energy to give you the best results.
Carnelian can be used to access this energy immediately and helps you to manifest your dreams and desires. When meditating, place this stone over your groin for the best results.
Carnelian is a great stone to enhance creativity and is ideal to keep in workspaces for this reason. It is known to stimulate your creativity centers and allow your inner child to emerge.
Carnelian has been used for centuries across the world as a protective amulet for death and the afterlife. Napoleon I and II wore Carnelian seals throughout their reigns, and the prophet Mohammed wore a Carnelian ring.
Bonus stones
Selenite is associated with the etheric, crown, and third eye chakras and the planet of the Moon. It is associated with Gemini and Cancer zodiac signs. Selenite is associated with the element of wind and has a Mohs hardness level of 2 to 3.
Selenite is a calcium sulfate mineral, a crystallized and transparent variety of Gypsum. You will commonly notice Satin Spar, the fibrous and silky Gypsum, being mis-sold as Selenite.
It is named after the Greek word for moon and can be found all across the world. It is most commonly seen in Morocco, the USA, Australia, Madagascar, Brazil, and Mexico.
This is a crystal of pure white light energy and every spiritual being should have some. It is strongly restorative and a master cleanser. It can cleanse and recharge the energy wherever it is placed and can remove negative energies.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is associated with the etheric, crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, root, and earthstar chakras.
It is also linked to the planets Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Sun, and the Moon. Clear Quartz is associated with all zodiac signs. Clear Quartz is associated with the element of storm and has a Mohs hardness level of 7.
Clear Quartz is an igneous rock first recorded in 300 B.C. by Theophrastus. It is found in Brazil, China, South Africa, Australia, Madagascar, the USA, Canada, the UK, Russia, and Mexico.
Clear Quartz is referred to as the master healer and is known to amplify the properties of all other crystals used around it. It can be used to help reignite our true selves and help us on the path to true enlightenment.
Clear Quartz is a high-frequency stone and is vital to the function of modern life. It is commonly used in technology and is an excellent manifestation crystal. It is also known to absorb negative vibrations and as such, needs regular cleansing.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is associated with the root chakra and the planet of Earth. It is linked to the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. Black Tourmaline is associated with the element of earth and has a Mohs hardness level of 7 – 8.
Black Tourmaline is a silicate mineral containing boron. It was originally named Schorl, after a small village in Saxony, Germany in 1,400 A.D.
It is commonly used as a protective agent and is highly recommended for negative or toxic environments. It cleanses and protects your auric field, making it ideal for anxious, angry, or intrusive thoughts. It will absorb negative energy in your surroundings and purify it.
Black Tourmaline can also be used to block electromagnetic waves caused by modern electronics. This reduces the energetic impacts of technology on your body and soul. It is also a strongly grounding stone that can be used to help you overcome fear and build strength.
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