10 Best Crystals For Aries Star Signs: You Need Them

10 Best Crystals For Aries Star Signs You Need Them

The Aries star sign has the zodiac symbol of a ram. People who are born between March 21 and April 19 are born under the sign of the Aries. This zodiac sign is closely linked to the element of fire and is ruled by the planet of Mars.

Aries signs are linked to the color red, and the day of Tuesday. This sign is linked to the number 9 and the flowers of honeysuckle and sweet pea. The chakra associated with Aries is the solar plexus, and the tarot associations are the Emperor and the Tower. 



Citrine is a yellow-orange variety of Quartz crystals with Iron inclusions. The name comes from the Greek word κίτρο meaning citron. It is most widely found in the Minas Geras area of Brazil, but has also been seen in India, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. 

As the term Citrine has been used throughout history to describe any yellow-hued crystals, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly when Citrine was discovered. 

Citrine is associated with the third eye, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. It is linked to the Sun and the element of fire. Citrine is associated with Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Libra zodiac placements. The crystal has a Mohs hardness scale rating of 7. 

Citrine is a crystal known to enhance your creativity and manifestation energies. It can help to unlock the truest desires of your heart and personal will.

This is a great crystal to use when you are looking to be inspired or for a change of direction in life. It can help you to work towards making this desired change into reality. 

Citrine is also deeply associated with Mother Earth. This allows you to absorb the rejuvenating and nurturing energies of Earth and deepen your connection to nature. We advise meditating outside at dawn or dusk with this crystal, when the Earth’s energies are strongest and most accessible. 

Tourmalinated Quartz

This crystal is also known as Tourmalined Quartz. It is a Quartz structure containing needles of Schorl, or Black Tourmaline. It is believed to have been discovered in Brazil sometime in the middle to late 1900s, although not much is known about this crystal’s history.

Most Tourmalined Quartz is still found in Brazil, although it is sometimes found in the USA, particularly California and San Diego. 

Tourmalinated Quartz is linked to the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. It is associated with Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It is also linked to all 12 signs of the zodiac.

The elements associated with this crystal are storm and earth, and it has a Mohs hardness rating of 7.

This crystal is great for enhancing your spiritual connection to the earth. It brings enlightening energies and helps you to more deeply understand the physical world around you. This will help you to revitalize your physical body and release negativity from your mind. 

The Quartz inclusions serve to amplify the effects of the Black Tourmaline. This is a great crystal to use to help you realign yourself with the path you are meant to take.

This crystal is strongly linked to the phrase “As above, so below.” Each decision you make takes you one step closer to the path to enlightenment and the connection to your higher self.

Blue Scheelite 

This is also known by the name Lapis Lace Onyx and is a combination of Calcite and Dolomite crystals. It was initially mistaken for Scheelite due to the UV fluorescence the crystal gives off. Blue Scheelite can only be mined in Turkey.

This crystal is linked to the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. It is associated with the planets of Mercury, Venus, and Earth. It is linked to all 12 zodiac signs, along with the elements of earth, air, and fire. This crystal has a Mohs hardness rating of 1. 

This is a very soothing and grounding crystal. It allows you to take a step back and look at situations from a more rational and logical perspective, this is the Dolomite’s impact.

The Blue Calcite inclusions will liven your mind and allow you to process information better at higher vibrations. This makes Blue Scheelite crystals spiritual talismen and earthly representations. 

This is a very easy crystal to carve and is often shaped into amulets to be worn around the neck. This helps to unlock and activate your throat chakra, improving communication. It will strengthen, center, and project your voice.

Crazy Lace Agate

This variety of Agate is also called Mexican Agate. It is a variety of Chalcedony with Aluminum and Iron inclusions. It is similar in appearance to Ocean Jasper with the large swirls, banding, and circles.

This is believed to have formed about 65 to 90 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. This crystal is only found in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. 

This crystal is linked to the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. Its planetary association is Earth and it is associated with the zodiac signs Pisces, Aries, and Libra. It is aligned with the elements of fire and earth and has a Mohs hardness rating of between 6 and 7. 

This is a crystal designed to align your chakras and of transformation. The banding of this stone signifies a free flow of nature, something that this crystal can help to provide in your life. It allows you to become your true self without fear of external restrictions or repercussions.

The Iron inclusions in this crystal give you strength, confidence, and fortitude in your decision-making skills. This is an ideal crystal to help you live your life for yourself. 

This crystal helps you to channel your internal power and helps you work towards achieving your goals. We strongly recommend using this crystal during chakra cleansing meditations. 


This is a very rare aluminum phosphate crystal, often seen as a Quartz inclusion with Scorzalite and Lazulite. It was initially found in 1868 in Sweden and named after famous chemist Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister.

It was initially thought that this was the only deposit, however, it has since been discovered in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil too. 

This crystal is associated with the crown, third eye, and throat chakras. Trolleite is linked to the planets Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. It is associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo, Aries, and Gemini. It is linked to the element of water and has a Mohs hardness rating of between 5.5 and 6. 

Trolleite engages the upper chakras of the body and helps to promote a deep and divine connection between your body and your higher self. This is said to help open your third eye.

After this, you may begin to notice significant or symbolic events as your consciousness and awareness develop. This crystal can promote clarity and develop a connection between your soul and the universe. 

Trolleite is known to help you completely relax your mind, body, and spirit. This is necessary for you to be able to astral project, meditate, and channel a lot of external energy.

We recommend meditation with a Trolleite crystal over your third eye. This is said to help decalcify your pineal gland. It is also a good crystal to keep beside your bed. 

Japan Law Twin

This is an incredibly rare variety of Quartz, also referred to as Weiss Law Twin, La Gardette Law Twin, and Twinning Crystal Quartz.

It was initially found in France, La Guardette, in 1829 by a German mineralogist called Mr. Weiss. It is now known by the name Japan Law Twin as the highest quality specimens come from Japan. 

This crystal has 2 crystals that meet at an angle of 84°33’ and a V shape. This can also be found in smoky and Citrine variations. The main source of these versions is Namibia. 

Japan Law Twin crystals are associated with the etheric, crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, root, and earthstar chakras. It is aligned with all of the planets, as well as the Sun and Moon. It is linked to all 12 signs of the zodiac, and the element of storm. It has a Mohs hardness rating of 7.

This crystal shares the same properties as Quartz. It helps to clarify your mind and solidifies your place in the spirit realm. It can help you to change your life and guide you along your soul’s mission.

Ruby in Kyanite

This is a combination of Ruby and Kyanite that has only recently been discovered. It was found in South India, near to deposits of Ruby in Fuchsite. It is associated with the third eye, throat, solar plexus, and root chakras. 

This crystal is linked to the planets Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. It is associated with the zodiac signs Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Aries, and Gemini. The elements linked to this crystal are air, water, and earth. The crystal has a Mohs hardness rating of between 6 and 9.

This crystal is ideal for grounding and channeling divine vibrations into the earthly plane. This is a great crystal to build and refine the abilities of your pineal gland while remaining close to your physical body.

It helps to improve your psychic abilities and is likely to improve your mental health too. 

Many people say that this crystal helps them increase their awareness and elevates their critical thinking and decision-making abilities.

The Ruby inclusions are very powerful and boost your personal will massively. This eliminates excuses and procrastination, allowing your mind to become clear and focused.

It can help to rejuvenate your energy and radiate positivity throughout your auric field. 



This is a hydrothermal calcium boron hydroxide nesosilicate mineral, formed at low temperatures. If the crystal forms into a clump of blobs, it is commonly called Botryolite. This crystal comes in a variety of hues and is often seen to take on the color of its surroundings.

It was first discovered in Norway in 1806, but can be found all across the world. There are large deposits of Datolite in copper mines in Lake Superior, Michigan. As well as this, other known deposits are Schwarzwald in Germany, Charcas in Mexico, Ontario in Canada, Norway, and Russia. 

This crystal is associated with the crown and third eye chakras. It has a planetary association with Uranus and is linked to the zodiac sign Aries. Datolite is linked to the elements of air and water. The crystal has a Mohs hardness rating of 5.5 to 6. 

Datolite is believed to help connect your consciousness to the higher vibrational energies. This allows you to see infinite realities surrounding us, recognizing your power and summoning the opportunities that you are searching for. 

It is believed to open portals to the angels, spirit guides, and Earth’s etheric guardians. This helps us to receive and interpret spiritual messages. This crystal can also help to channel your own superpowers and unlock your abilities. 

It is recommended that you meditate with this crystal placed over the top of your third eye. You are likely to begin to feel a pulsing sensation here as your soul starts to ascend and harmonize with the universe.

Chevron Amethyst

This is also referred to as Dog Tooth Amethyst and refers to crystals containing Amethyst and White Quartz in a V or banded pattern. It is commonly found in Brazil, India, and Russia. 

This crystal is linked to the etheric, crown, and third eye chakras. It has planetary associations with Jupiter and Neptune. Chevron Amethyst is associated with all 12 zodiac signs and the element of air. These crystals have a Mohs hardness rating of 7.

This has a lot of the same properties as standard Amethyst. It is specifically focused on the upper chakras of the body and can align the third eye and crown chakras.

Many people note that following a mediation session with this crystal they have more vivid and clear dreams with strongly significant imagery. 

Chevron Amethyst can connect you to your higher self and strengthen this link. This is the purest, truest form of the self and will help to guide you along the best path in life. Again, it is a good idea to meditate with this crystal placed over your third eye.


Sardonyx is an Onyx crystal with banded Carnelian inclusions. It was first discovered in 1837 by J. D. Dana. It was named after an ancient Greek city called Sardis. The largest Sardonyx deposits are in Sri Lanka but this crystal has also been found in Brazil, Uruguay, and India. 

Sardonyx is linked to the root chakra and the planet Mars. It is associated with the zodiac signs of Leo and Aries, as well as the element of fire. It has a Mohs hardness rating of 7. 

Sardonyx is grounding and protective. It also instills the wearer with courage, enhancing your inner strength. It is a great crystal to use when working towards personal goals and dreams.

It helps the wearer to become more positive and believe that their goals are achievable. It is a great crystal to improve your mental clarity. 

Bonus stones


Selenite is associated with the etheric, crown, and third eye chakras and the planet of the Moon. It is associated with Gemini and Cancer zodiac signs. Selenite is associated with the element of wind and has a Mohs hardness level rating of 2 to 3.

Selenite is a calcium sulfate mineral, a crystallized and transparent variety of Gypsum. You will commonly notice Satin Spar, the fibrous and silky Gypsum, being mis-sold as Selenite.

It is named after the Greek word for moon and can be found all across the world. It is most commonly seen in Morocco, the USA, Australia, Madagascar, Brazil, and Mexico. 

This is a crystal of pure white light energy and every spiritual being should have some. It is strongly restorative and a master cleanser. It can cleanse and recharge the energy wherever it is placed and can remove negative energies. 

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is associated with the etheric, crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, root, and earthstar chakras. It is also linked to the planets Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Sun, and the Moon. Clear Quartz is associated with all zodiac signs.

Clear Quartz is associated with the element of storm and has a Mohs hardness level rating of 7.

Clear Quartz is referred to as the master healer and is known to amplify the properties of all other crystals used around it. It can be used to help reignite our true selves and help us on the path to true enlightenment. 

Clear Quartz is a high-frequency stone and is vital to the function of modern life. It is commonly used in technology and is an excellent manifestation crystal. It is also known to absorb negative vibrations and as such, needs regular cleansing. 

  • Hi, Alex here I'm a spiritual teacher, therapist and an author. I specialize in the art of Crystal healing and have a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing.

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