7 Best Crystal Glasses in 2021

Good looking crystal glass is an accessory we all need in our kitchens. Crystal glasses can bring life into a meal with your significant other and can be the accessory that really brings your dinner table together at a gathering. 

Hence, for the purpose of helping you decide on the right crystal glass set for your kitchen, we’ve listed out the very best!

We understand that all crystals have symbolic meanings and hence, chakra points should always be considered before wearing or deciding to buy a stone. Take a look at our guide and find the right crystal for you.

Recommended article: How to cleanse your crystal

Rod Wine

Why choose this product?

  1. Exclusive finish
  2. Designer
  3. Titanium glass

Rod wine features a number of very pretty crystal glasses that have these large rims (so the user can appreciate the scent of the wine properly) and large stems so as to create a tall good looking glass.

Rod Wine has a number of different glasses each of different types but each of them features the same divine quality a wine glass should have.

The titanium crystal that goes into this has been created in the crystal and glass capitals of the world (the Czech republic) moreover, the glass has a heat finished rim that gives it the superb finish we all love.

Moreover, Rod wine also leaves a designer log at the base of their glasses so they can guarantee the superiority of their product and hence, ensuring you get the right glass with the quality you paid for.

Luxbe Glasses

Why by Luxbe crystal glasses?

  1. Exclusive
  2. Innovative design/design leaders
  3. Superior Quality

What we've really liked about the luxbe crystal glasses is their eye for design.

Luxbe have been the front runners in crystal glass designs, the following glass is no different its definitely one of the most attractive pieces on our list.

Just like our other entries this glass also features a beautiful design.

This particular piece has been created for martinis and has been asserted from the bottom with titanium to keep it from breaking.

Its perfect heat finish has given it a pretty finish while simultaneously protecting it from chipping and scratches. We know that Luxbe glasses can last you a good long time, the ones I have in my closest have been around for the last 5 years.

If you're the kind of person who needs a set that doesn't break the bank but manages to look exclusive none the less you need to to check out luxbe. 

Schott Zwiesel Tritan Crystal Glass

Why choose Schott Zwiesal?

  • A foreign brand
  • Ecofriendly
  • A design innovator

For our foreign brand fanatics, the Schott Zwiesel Tritan is the one for you. Schoot Zwiesel is a Bulgarian brand and all of their glasses have been manufactured and finished in Germany.

The company hopes to manufacture environmentally friendly products, this means that they don't use lead in their creations.

However, I have never found schott Zwiesel to compromise on their quality at all, meaning that you get to conserve the environment while having an attractive glass in your cupboard to wipe out on special occasions.

These German glasses are super resistant to scratching and I personally haven't had any issues ever using them. Schott Zwiesel is definitely an eccentric brand, and honestly, we love I for its innovation in design.

They've claimed that they are the best crystal glasses manufacture on the market and honestly, we aren’t arguing!

Schott Ziwesel Camphange Flute

Why buy Schott Ziewsel Champagne Flute?

  1. Five star design
  2. Executive Quality
  3. Innovative design

Out of all the champagne flutes on the market, the Schott Ziewsel champagne flute set is the by the far the most resistant and the prettiest.

What I’ve really loved about the glass is its uniqueness, its definitely has the quality that all schott ziwesel glasses do, but this one has a quality that is simply unmatchable. And while I understand that it really depends on the kind of alcohol you prefer but there is a distinct possibility that you break out your champagne glasses a little less often.

If that’s the case, having a Schott Ziewesel at home for special occasions is an excellent option. The Schott Ziewsel champagne flutes are 5-star restaurant quality, (because everyone uses these to be honest). And if you’re someone who loves champagne this is the best champagne flute for you. 


Why buy Braski crystal glasses?

  • Pretty in goblet style
  • Intricate Design
  • Doesn't break the bank

Braski is another pretty glass making company that creates just the best goblet crystal glasses I've ever laid my eyes on.

While I'm a fan of large stemmed wider glasses, I can't keep my eyes on these goblets and their intricate design.

Braski has become known for creating some of the prettiest and honestly the finest looking goblets in town. Just like our other entries braski is also eco-friendly and its manufacture does not involve any lead.

Moreover, braski glasses are also long-lasting and scratch resistant.

Hence, if its a goblet your looking for this set of 6 should be the one you order home!


Why buy Bezart?

  • A perfect patterned glass
  • Pretty and sophisticated
  • A great buy for someone who's looking for a bit of variety

Again, I should mention that I'm not a fan of designed glasses but crystal glasses such as these always have me doing double-takes.

Its very difficult to create a wine glass that works well with color, mainly because the main purpose of wine glasses is to create a pretty enough outlook that compliments the rich color of the wine, and hence, crystal glass manufacturers focus away from designing and work primarily on the shape of the glass.

Hence, whenever I see a designed glass I don't find myself particularly attracted to it. However, the story is completely different for Bezart.

Its design is so cleverly made that it compliments the wine while adding a different touch. If you're someone who's tired of the old plain glasses you might be found on the market then order a Bezart classical wine glass set today. It is the best crystal glass set for you!


Why buy Godinger?

  • Budget friendly
  • Eco friendly
  • Perfect for everyday use and causal events

While godinger wine glasses arent as expensive as the other entries in our list, I have to say that they are definitely the best priced.

It's very difficult to find toxicity-free ecofriendly glass at the price Godinger is selling their glasses and honestly, I've seen that they deliver.

For a small price, you can get an everyday use set for yourself. These designed wine glasses have my heart and I've always kept them for casual dinners where you don't want to break out the bigger glasses but still want something pretty on the table to drink your wine in.

Keep this glass with you for your casual family dinner with friends or a nice casual date night with your spouse. 

If you're on a budget, the Godinger crystal glass is the best crystal glass for you!

  • Hi, Alex here I'm a spiritual teacher, therapist and an author. I specialize in the art of Crystal healing and have a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing.

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