8 Best Crystals for Calming Your Mind and Body

crystals for calming

 You will agree with me when say, Crystals are an amazing source of positive and calming energy. 

These healing stones can prove to be miracles in our everyday lives and can also be used as crystals for peace. They can heal all sorts of wounds and can certainly help us release our anxiety and stress during busy work days or relaxing weekends in which we just can’t relax.

After a long week of working we all need a good break, sometimes even after our relaxation time we don’t feel calm and relaxed.

That’s because even during our relaxation time we were far too consumed and stressed out by our work. Prolonged stress and anxiety can cause a lot of health related problems, so it’s best for us to be calm and stress free throughout our days.

So, we have compiled a list of the best stones that help with stress and anxiety.

Read More: Best Stones for Engagement Ring

Amethyst (stone of spirituality)

main attributes of Amethyst:

  • Color: purple
  • Origin: worldwide
  • Enhances spiritual awareness

Amethyst is a beautiful purple calming crystal. It has a unique vibrational frequency that has the ability to calm you down even in the most stressful of situations. This stone for stress relaxes the mind and harmonizes your internal chakra for a calming and relaxing feeling.

Our tip for using amethyst:

Our advice for using this crystal for calming would be to use it during your meditation session, not only does mediation itself relieve stress but using such a powerful calming crystal will surely enhance your stress removal experience.


Celestite (crystal for enlightenment)

main attributes of Celestite

  • Color: blue
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Enhances divine connection

It is a great crystal for stress. This crystal for peace can bring harmony into your life and can bless you with a stress free life. Its strong positive aura will keep you motivated and positive throughout your days. This crystal for peace also has the ability to calm you down during times of extreme stress and pressure.

Our tip for using celestite:

Use this crystal by keeping it close to you, you can use this calming crystal by keeping one in your bag or purse. In this way the calming properties of this crystal will enhance you throughout the day.


Angelite (stone of harmony)

main attributes of Angelite

  • Color: blue
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Promotes harmony

This is another great crystal for anxiety, it is heavenly stone and using this will not only help you relieve your stress but it will also grant you spiritual enlightenment. With the wisdom of the divine by your side, you will never lose hope and never feel alone, even in the most difficult of times.

Our tip for using angelite:

You can use this amazing crystal for calming by placing it in your hands before you go to sleep and directly after you wake up. When your mind is fresh and ready to start the day or is exhausted from the work you've done, this crystal for peace will help you attack the day with a positive vibe or will help you calm down and relax after a stressful day.



Black tourmaline (stone of grounding)

main attributes of Black tourmaline

  • Color: black
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Enhances grounding

This is a calming gemstone that is known for it's bad chakra grounding ability. With this crystal for calming you can instantly and quite easily remove all your bad chakra from your system by a process known as grounding. Few crystals have this special ability and black tourmaline is one of them. Once you remove all your stagnant chakra you will be left with only the original or natural chakra of your body. it will not only keep you healthier but also transform you into a happier person. So be sure to use this crystal for peace.

Our tip for using black tourmaline:

Use this stone for calming by holding it in your hand and concentrating on it's healing aura, by doing so the bad chakra will be flushed out of your system into the ground. You will surely sense and feel a clear difference before and after this grounding session. 


Jade (stone of luck)

main attributes of Jade

  • Color: green
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Brings luck 

Jade is a beautiful stone for peace. This ancient stone has multiple use the most prominent of which is the ability to become a stone that helps with anxiety. With the help of this crystal you can find harmony and inner peace. You will also feel a difference in the way you think, your mind will start to become more positive and optimistic. It is one of the best crystals for peace.

Our tip for using jade:
You can use this stone for peace by keeping it in your room. In this way you don't have to constantly carry this stone for calming with you at all times, it will do it's magic when you sleep.


Blue agate (stone of un-winding)

main attributes of Blue agate

  • Color: blue
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Shields from negative energy

This is a great crystal for inner peace, if you feel that you are not in harmony with your inner self than use this crystal. It will not only fix that problem but will also help you relax and relieve all you stress. It's natural aura is so strong that it can actually defend you against the disturbing electromagnetic waves that may affect your chakra. So be sure to use this stone for anxiety to remove the stress from your life.

Our tip for using blue agate:

You can use this stone for stress,by placing it in a crystal grid. A grid formed with crystals of the same metaphysical properties, in this way not only will the combined effects of the crystals heal you, the individual effects of this crystal will also be enhanced. This is surely one of the best stones for anxiety.


Rose quartz (stone of love and affection)

main attributes of Rose quartz

  • Color: pink
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Promotes feelings of love 

Rose quartz is an amazing calming crystal. It is known for stabilizing your hormones and emotions and is also associated with the feelings of love. With the power of this calming crystal you will feel peace and will surely be relaxed. It is one of the best crystals for calming.

Our tip for using rose quartz:

You can use this crystal by making it into a calming crystal bracelet or a necklace.


emerald (stone of prosperity and abundance)

main attributes of Emerald

  • Color: green
  • Origin: USA, China, Madagascar, India, Russia
  • Brings prosperity in your daily life

Emerald is a beautiful green crystal that can be used as a crystal for peace, it has very special healing properties. All of which make it an amazing crystal for calming. It has the ability to release all your stress and anxiety. So if you want inner peace and a way to unwind than be sure to use this crystal for peace.

Our tip for using emerald:

You can use this crystal for calming by meditating with it. 


  • Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life.

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