Crystals come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of soothing properties for the mind, body, spirit, and healing for negative energy.
They’re believed to stimulate the flow of positive energies and aid in the removal of negative energy from the body and mind, resulting in physical and emotional effects.
There are both positive and negative forces around the universe. If you look at the makeup of all living things, you’ll see that we’re all made up of particles, atoms, and so on.
That is, according to science, we are made up of the same elements as trees, herbs, water, and even crystals. The frequency of each living being is determined by the spin of its atoms.
Crystals for Negative Energy Removal 2021:
Here is the list of top Crystals for Negative Energy Removal.
Best Crystals | Color |
Clear quartz | Clear |
Carnelian | Brownish-red |
Black tourmaline | Black |
Black obsidian | Black |
Smithsonite | Multi colored |
Pyrite | Gold |
Black jade | Black |
Black Onyx | Black |
Tiger's Eye | Red-brown |
Read more on Crystal Subscription Boxes

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Brownish-red
- Clear quartz white stone is known as a "master healer."
- It helps with memory strength and focuses.
Clear quartz is one of the most powerful crystals, and it's believed to be beneficial in deflecting negativity as well as attracting positivity. It's still very impressionable, so when dealing with it, make sure you have a simple and precise purpose in mind.
It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates electricity, according to legend. It's also said to help with memory and focus. Simple crystals are said to help activate the immune system and stabilize the whole body on a physical level. This stone is often used in conjunction with others, such as rose quartz, to help and improve their skills.

Why do we like it?
- Color: Brownish-red
- Carnelian is the most effective crystal for warding off psychic attacks.
- During a Reiki session will clear toxic energies.
Crystal comes in a variety of colors varying from yellow to dark red, making it ideal for spiritual healing decor. Negative emotions may be transmitted to you knowingly or subconsciously as psychic assaults.
Carnelian stone will help you to be more creative, motivated, and confident. During a Reiki session will clear toxic energies, Carnelian activates the Second Chakra and increase physical Carnelian strength.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Black
- Black tourmaline ground and empty a room of negative energy.
- Black tourmaline creates a psychic barrier around you.
Black tourmaline is excellent for making your home and workplace more positive places to be. Black tourmaline is a versatile protector stone that can ground and empty a room of negative energy. The stone has a reputation for shielding people from negative forces brought in by unwelcome visitors.
It's said to create a psychic barrier around your home, deflecting and dispelling any harmful negative energies, powers, or destructive forces. It is the crystal's ability to protect against radiation and environmental pollution that has made it so famous in recent years. Black tourmaline often transforms negative emotions into positive ones by neutralizing them.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Deep black or blackish green
- Black obsidian has a soothing and upbeat aura.
- Black obsidian shield you from negative energy.
Negative forces will be drawn out of the black obsidian and grounded into the Earth. This will assist you with removing negative forces, feelings, and even ailments from the body. Black obsidian has a soothing and upbeat aura that will make you learn to have a good attitude.
Many people have a propensity to develop negative attachments to objects and people. Black obsidian will assist you in severing those bonds and repelling toxic people from your life. This stone will also shield you from negative energy attacks by removing negative energies from the atmosphere.

Why do we like it?
- Colors: Brown, gray, white, green, and yellow
- Smithsonite is effective in treating infertility issues.
- Smithsonite is a negative energy repellent.
Smithsonite is a lovely, calming stone that will help you bind to your heart core and relax your emotions. It's soothing, lovely, negative energy repellent, and refreshing to look at. Smithsonite should be placed at the throat or in the chest to improve the body's immunity.
The thymus gland, which is closely linked to the immune system, is thought to be stimulated by Smithsonite. This is also thought to be effective in treating infertility issues. It may also be mounted at the bed's corners.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Gold-colored mineral
- Pyrite heals auric tears and seals energy leaks.
- Pyrite strengthens mental abilities and awareness.
Pyrite is a lovely gold-colored mineral that is believed to protect you from the negative energy of technology on the mind and body. Pyrite is a powerful protector, protecting the user from any forms of negative energies. Pyrite heals auric tears and seals energy leaks.
Keep pyrite in your pocket to shield yourself from both contamination and physical damage. Pyrite increases analytical ability and comprehension of higher forms of intelligence as used on the Third Eye. Pyrite is also beneficial to one's physical and mental wellbeing.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Black and Green
- Black Jade has Physical Healing Energy.
- Black Jade have Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy
Black Jade is also a useful instrument for introspection. It enables candid self-evaluation and aids in the absorption and transformation of unhealthy and damaging feelings. Black Jade can be difficult to see where negative energy originates, but black jade can assist you in tuning in to the source.
From the youngest to the eldest, Black Jade inspires the appreciation and a voice in the household. If any participants are dominant, subtle with vocabulary, or deceptive, it is juggling. This crystal will assist you in connecting with your instincts and avoiding negative people and circumstances.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Black
- Black Onyx's top use is a negativity shield reflecting against negativity.
- Black Onyx controls Aggression and make you calm.
Black Onyx is a black protective stone that absorbs and transforms negative energies while offering a positive, stable, and robust energy. Since it absorbs negative energy, it's a good one to have with you or have around so that any bad energy is attracted to the stone rather than to you.
Negative forces are repelled by black onyx. The core, solar plexus, and third eye chakras all align with black onyx, which helps to ground energy, improve trust, and strengthen intuition. The owner of this smooth, dark crystal is said to be protected from evil spirits, psychic threats, and black magic. It's thought to trap and ground external forces, essentially serving as a barrier.

Why do we like it?
- Colour: Golden to red-brown
- Connected to both the root and the sacral chakra.
- Tiger's Eye has unique physical healing properties.
Tiger's Eye lovely golden brownstone with bands is said to keep you grounded in the face of negative energies. The force is concentrated and less influenced when it is grounded and down to earth. As a result, certain grounding stones, such as this one, are thought to be protective.
This stone will trigger grounding, confident energy while supporting the lower Chakras. It's said to help you get rid of terror, anxiety, and self-doubt from your mind and body. Tiger's Eye can be useful for career goals or even personal matters. Tiger's eye is also said to assist you in finding peace and order, allowing you to make more informed decisions.
Protective crystals will assist you in overcoming any of your own destructive negative thinking processes and habits. Always have a stone on or near you. The crystal will act as a tangible reminder to be confident and hopeful with positive energy if you see it. And if you forget about it, the crystal defends you from negative feelings energetically.
Buying Guide:
Determine what you believe you are lacking before searching at what stones can do. That will assist you in indicating what is going on inside yourself before relying on outside sources. Keep following your intuition to determine what is best for you.
If a crystal catches your attention or you sense a physical tug toward one, your subconscious mind will help lead you to the crystal that is best for you. After you've chosen it, you can make the necessary link with your crystal spiritually.
Before a buy, crystals often travel huge distances from source to seller. Each transformation exposes the stone to energies that are potentially out of harmony with your own. When used for therapy, these stones are said to suppress or divert the negativity you're trying to release.
Choosing a crystal can be complex, particularly with too many choices available at various price points. Crystal healers also believe that the crystal selects you rather than the other way around. In fact, the deep dive into crystal work begins with the choice process. Allow your instincts to lead you or choose what crystal provides you with its powers.
People like crystals for four reasons
They look nice and beautiful
They feel comfortable with the crystal presence
They bring much more positive energies to their routine.
Crystals are thought to have powers for negative energy removal.
You should begin purchasing crystals after developing a positive conversation with yourself. Following are several guidelines to follow after buying the crystal:
Keeping the crystals clean
Keeping the crystals charged
Crystal cleaning and charging are recommended because it "reenergizes, awakens, and stimulates the internal vibrations of the crystal." Keeping a crystal or wearing it demonstrates self-care and saves you from harmful energy. We not only seem mature but also heal our whole bloodline by self-care.
Reference & sources:
Silicosis among Cape gemstone workers: tigers' eye pneumoconiosis
A new fire in tiger's eye
Onyx as radiation detector for high doses
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